It was founded by Dr. Khwaja Abdul Hamied as 'The Chemical, Industrial & Pharmaceutical Laboratories' in 1935 in Mumbai.
The name of the Company was changed to 'Cipla Limited' on 20 July 1984. In the year 1985, the US FDA approved the company's bulk drug manufacturing facilities.
Cipla Limited is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, headquartered in Mumbai, India, Belgium, Surrey in the European Union and Miami, Florida, in the United States; with manufacturing facilities in Goa (eight), Bengaluru (one), Baddi (one), Indore (one), Kurkumbh (one), Patalganga (one), and Sikkim (one), along with field stations in Delhi, Pune, and Hyderabad.
Cipla primarily develops medicines to treat cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, weight control and depression; other medical conditions. As of 17 September 2014, it's market capitalization was $7.6 billion, making it India's 42nd largest publicly traded company by market value.
Cipla has 34 manufacturing units in 8 locations across India and has a presence in 170 countries.
Exports accounted for 48 % $730 million of its revenue for FY 2013-14.
As on 31 March 2013, the company had 22,036 employees.
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